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2004-08-29 - 11:50 a.m.


It sure is hot today. I feel like .....something sticky.

Yesterday rocked the party that rocked the party. We went to Salem, MA and walked through all of the shops and museums. For those of you who don't know Salem is known as the witch city. About 19 people were accused of witchcraft and hung during the late 1600's. Now it is the halloween, witch, city of the state and probably of most new england. Anyway, we were walking out in the cobblestone street and a few young people dressed as puritans started to act out a scene in the middle of the walk way. One man stood up on a post and started to rave about how goodwife Bishop was accused of witchcraft and that we shall follow them to the courthouse so that we may cry innocent or else condem her to death. We followed these ragind folks to the city hall which was in itself built in the 1600's. A woman actor was walking next to us and zack started to yell.. BURN HER! THe woman said..(in a fake, old time english accent) "Gee you dont know much do you? They didnt burn the witches they hung them! You must be a dumb frenchy!" HAHA and he is french. We proceeded to follow them to the court house where they put on a great play for us. We got to pretend as if it was actually 1693 and we were the jury in this trial which did actually take place during this time. It turns out in real life Goodwife Bishop was accused of witchcraft and hung.

Then we went for a walk through the witches woods were they told us the history of paganism and witchcraft. Although I already knew this info since I am a practicing wiccan, the maze was decorated with great props and artwork. There was so much more to do there. We also ate lunch at Salem Willows where they have beautiful willow trees on the water front and the cold breeze blows off the ocean. We split a sub for lunch and watched the birds fight over our bread crumbs.

We got home around 8:00 and Rachael and I had mad plans to go out to see our friend Tom's band play........and there is more to that story but apparantly zack and I are going for breakfast!

YES.. I am so mo fo hungry.

I'll write later. TOOTLES

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